Sunday, September 2, 2007


I thought the second cover was wonderful.
I mean it was in color, and everything, what could possibly go wrong?
So I put it on the books, that had 52 pages each, and started selling. Actually, the sales went fairly well, no complaints, and almost no books left from that edition. (You better hurry up, one day they'll be worth millions :-) )
But selling the books I realized several things:
  • People really do read the back covers, you should have one.
  • People care about the number of pages in the book, better a small book with more pages.
  • People thought the book was about Kabbalah, which is partly true, but they thought it's the 'Born Again Jewish' kind of Kabbalah.
  • I needed a logo.
Also, I couldn't get the book into any firsthand bookstores, for that I had to talk to 'Sifrut Achshav', so I printed two books (a very smart thing to do, as I found out later), and sent one to Sifrut Achshav, these two books had the third cover:

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